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Showing posts from September, 2012

Creating a JMeter test plan for an API invocation through WSO2 API Manager

The use-case : Create an API for a REST endpoint and publish it from API-Publisher app Then subscribe to it from API-Store app and generate a key Finally create a test-paln from jmeter to this API invocation with using OAuth access token. Pre-Requesties  : WSO2 Application Server   4.1.2 WSO2 API Manager  1.0.0 Apache JMeter Steps : Deploy the backend JAX-RS Endpoint     First download and extract above two servers and to run both servers simultaneously,change one server's port offset to 1 by navigating to {Product_Home}/repository/conf/carbon.xml . Then download the sample JAX-RS war file from checking out it from here and deploy it to WSO2 AS -4.1.2   This sample JAX-RS contains three REST endpoints and here I'm going to use its endpoint of getting menu list as ' /pizzashack-api-1.0.0/api/menu/ '.Once you deployed the war file,you can check accessing   'http://yourip:port /pizzashack-api-1.0.0/api/menu/ '...

Connecting WSO2 API Manager with different databases

With WSO2 API Manager GA 1.0.0 release,we have tested it with H2 ,My SQL and Oracle databases.The default database used by API Manager is embedded H2 database. But in-case if you want to change the database to either other database,following steps have to be followed. With Carbon 4.0.0 release,it's introduced an unified place to store  all the database data sources related configurations called master-datasources.xml which can be found from {API_Manager_Home}/repository/conf/datasources directory. Open the 'master-datasources.xml' file and you'll notice there are already defined three datasources as;  WSO2_CARBON_DB-The datasource used for registry and user manager WSO2AM_STATS_DB-The datasource used for getting statistics to API Manager WSO2AM_DB-The datasource used for API Manager database If you are going to; Change the database for API Manager  First create a database and run the relevant script which can be found from here ,to gene...

Dealing with SVN Externals

When you are trying to cut a versioned branch from the working trunk directory,an important point that you have to keep on mind is to change the svn externals according to the newly created branch. SVN Externals An SVN externals definition is a mapping of a local directory to the URL—and possibly a particular revision—of a versioned resource. In Subversion, you declare externals definitions in groups using the  svn:externals  property.  Command to view existing svn externals  svn propget -R svn:externals . Command to modify a svn external  If you having one entry as a svn extern property to set on a directory,type below command and then commit it. svn propset svn:externals 'directory  http://external_url' . property 'svn:externals' set on '.' If you having multiple directory/url pairs as svn externs to set on a directory Create a file [ svnExterns.txt ] with putting the individual directory/url pairs. ...