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Showing posts from October, 2010

Jefe Research Papers published + ICter Conference

The two research papers compiled out during our final year project Jefe (The Ultimate Software Development Workflow Managemnt Solution) has been selected for the International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions - ICTer2010 held on 29 September 2010 to 1 October 2010 .It's really happy that we could able to successfully published both papers.yepeeeeeeee............ The better part of this was we had to present our two research papers to the ICTer Conference audience.One was done by me.It was rather a funny experience with race conditions how I came to Cinamon Lakeside hotel to do it on time. But during the presentation,it was a GREAT experience to present our research work to a well experienced IT audience for the first time in my life as a new comer to the IT industry. So thank you my team members for doing the project work as a team and giving me this great opportunity and then thank you our dearest supervisors Shahani Madam and Sulochana madam for encouraging us d...

First Three Weeks at WSO2

Though leaving the uni life and uni friends and switching to the career life feels very sad , I would like to say it was an awesome time period ,I was able to experience during my first three weeks at WSO2. I started my career from 13th of September 2010. The first week at WSO2 was full of different experiences including Introduction program,Two-days WSO2 conference,Discussion about products with customers and the fabulous WSO2 birthday party. The second week began with dividing new comers to teams.I was allocated to GS (Gadget Server)team. Our team is for developing a web based portal as a dashboard solution to integrate WSO2 back-end products and more as gadgets. At the first day of WSO2,we were given laptops and the first thing that I was done as a task ,is installing Ubuntu.Since I'm new to Ubuntu environment,I had to get familiarized with friends' support. Then I started to get the Carbon product to my machine.First I checked out the Carbon product from the trunk and t...