From the Part 1 of this tutorial[1], we discussed on overview of API-Store and its directory structure.This tutorial will be focus on the flow of how a user request is handle by API Store web-application front-end and a example to try out. Browser Request Flow of the API-Store Front-end Below image will explain the flow of browser request processing happened inside the API-Store jaggery application.Similarily API-Publisher jaggery application will also handle browser requests. When a user access the API Store/Publisher application through the web-browser,that request will first hit on the relevant page located at 'site/pages' directory in API-Store/Publisher.Then inside that page,to handle the rendering of the web page,it'll call the render() function defined in jagg.jag file resides on location 'jagg/jagg.jag' inside the both applications. To invoke that render() method,we are passing a json string which contains the base page name,page body layout na...