Sharing applications and subscriptions across multiple application developers through WSO2 API Store
In previous WSO2 APIM versions before 1.9.0 version,only the application developer who logs into APIStore can view/manage his applications and subscriptions.But there was a requirement arose mainly due to following two reasons; -- What if there’s a group of employees in an organization worked as developers for an application and how all those user group could get access to same subscription/application. -- What if the APIStore logged in developer left the organization and organization want to manage his created subscriptions in-order to manage the developed applications under organization name and only prohibit the left developer of accessing those. Since above two requirements are really valid in an app development organization perspective ,we have introduced the feature of sharing applications and subscriptions across user groups from APIM 1.9.0 version onwards. The API Manager provides facility to users of a specific logical group to view each other's' ap...