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Showing posts from September, 2015

WSO2 API Manager features integration with Governance Center of WSO2 Governance Registry 5.0.0

For past five months I was involved with the team effort of integrating APIM capabilities to the governance center which is released as WSO2 Governance Registry (GReg) product 5.0.0.Let's get into more details on the topic. WSO2 Governance Registry 5.0.0 WSO2 GReg product is a fully open source SOA integrated repository for storing and managing metadata related to service artifacts.In other words,it's a repository to store metadata like policies, wsdls, wadls,swagger definitions related to SOAP/REST services and store SOAP/REST services themselves. Each of these metadata models can be called as an asset type.Such that GReg can be introduced as a repository to keep different asset types as wsdl,wadl,policy,soap service,rest service.Additionally a user can configure and extend GReg to add their customized metadata models via adding "configurable governance artifacts" option(rxt) which is described in here . In previous GReg releases [before 5.0.0 version...