After a while,thought to write a blog-post about how we can use extended mediation capabilities with the published APIs from WSO2 APIManager. Requiremen t- A back-end endpoint with returning xml content need to wrap with an API from WSO2 APIManager to give additional security,throttling and monitoring capabilities for it. For this blog-post,as the back-end endpoint,I have used the sample JAX-RS based web-app which can be found from here ,deployed in WSO2 AS 5.2.1.You can try downloading WSO2 AS 5.2.1 and try deploying this web-app as instructed in here.I have started AS with port offset 2.Thus the deployed jax-rs web-app url is http://localhost:9765/Order-1.0/ This jax-rs web app supports following HTTP verbs with the url-patterns; POST /submitOrder Input & Output content-type : text/xml Input Payload : <Order> <customerName>Jack</customerName> <quantity>5</quantity> <creditCardNumber...