Say you want to transfer files over a network in a secured mannar.Here comes the usecase of SFTP[Secure File Transfer Protocol]. SFTP is a secured protocol which is an extention of the Secure Shell protocol(SSH) provides capabilities as file accessing,file transferring and file management. This protocol encrypts both commands and data and ensure not transmitting of passwords and sensitive information over the network.SFTP functionality is similar to FTP,but since FTP uses a different protocol,you cannot use FTP client to talk to an SFTP server. To use SFTP capabilities,you can try out either graphical SFTP client or either at the command line. At command line -[In Unix or Mac OS environment] Start a SFTP session by 'sftp username@hostname' Then enter the password when prompted. Then with using sftp commands you can try-out file operations.[To get SFTP commands type 'help'] When you are using command line to SFTP operations you'll mostly remember about SCP protocol...