Near after eight months,that I have joined WSO2 team,I feel it's the better t ime to share some information regarding the product,that I have almost contributed there.It's non other than WSO2 Gadget Server- The Enterprise Information Portal ,which provides a framework built on top of the Google gadget specification.For more information regarding Google gadget specification visit . Simply saying,the key idea of GS is to keep all the relevant information in a single place in a well organized manner according to the portal user's preference.And the user can change this web space as a dynamical information store or either static information store according to his/her requirements. Accepting the idea of one picture could say more than 1000 words,before going to deep on it,below shows the s creen-shot of the portal view of GS. Highlighted features of Gadget Server... Embedded Gadget Repository It is to store gadget xml files and add them to portal once user required.Gadget repos...